the weird thing about being pregnant…

.. is when you stop thinking about the fact that you’re pregnant, and you just… are. Anyone else get this or just me?

You feel pregnant.
You feel baby being active.
You talk to baby.
Your hands are always on your growing belly.
You know you’re pregnant.

And still, when I see myself in the mirror, I have to stop myself and really, really look. And I have to remind myself that ‘girl, you’re pregnant. There’s an actual baby growing inside you, a tiny human being that you’ll get to meet, and hold, and smell, and take care of, and love, and raise into an actual member of society. That’s the power you hold right now. You’re growing a person. You’re pregnant.

Because at this point, I’m so used to it. It’s been 6 months. That’s half a year. So I no longer think about it, I just am. All the hormones and the pains, it’s just part of who I am. My belly is growing, and I love it, and it’s still just part of who I am. Losing sleep because you got something moving inside you, hitting all those nice, painful trigger spots? Yeah, that’s life.

Except that in approximately 3 months, it won’t be. The tiny human will actually be out here, not hiding inside your bump.

(25 weeks in this photo.)

Does this post even make sense? I think I had a point. The point that.. somewhere along the line you stop thinking, and you just are. (Something I sometimes wish I could apply elsewhere, as well.)

But yes. Point made. Sort of. Man, being pregnant is weird